Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Review: Hushed

Hushed Title: Hushed
Author: Kelleye York
Release Date: 6 Dec. 2011
Publisher: Entangled Publishing
Pages: 242
Rate: Lovable

Synopsis from Amazon

Eighteen-year-old Archer couldn't protect his best friend, Vivian, from what happened when they were kids, so he's never stopped trying to protect her from everything else. It doesn't matter that Vivian only uses him when hopping from one toxic relationship to another. Archer is always there, waiting to be noticed.

Then along comes Evan, the only person who's ever cared about Archer without a single string attached. The harder he falls for Evan, the more Archer sees Vivian for the manipulative hot-mess she really is.

But Viv has her hooks in deep, and when she finds out about the murders Archer's committed and his relationship with Evan, she threatens to turn him in if she doesn't get what she wants...

And what she wants is Evan's death, and for Archer to forfeit his last chance at redemption.
My Thoughts
This book is dark, and horribale, and completely wonderful.  The characters are messed up and amazing.  My entire focus is on the characters. 
Archer has weird rules for himself.  He wants to help, but his idea of helping is twisted and wrong.  Yet, you cannot help but love him and root for him.  You want him to do the right thing and to end up with the right person.  It's hard to see archer as a killer when you are so attached to him.  I wanted him to be happy.
Vivian makes me cringe.  From the start of the book I couldn't stand her.  I wanted her to see everything she could do differently.  I wanted her to see that she could be a better person.  I wanted her to appreciate Archer fully, or let him go. 
This book brings out strong feelings.  You know that feeling of utter love for a character?  You know when a character makes you so happy that it makes you giggle?  Archer and Evan gave me that feeling.  Evan, oh, sweet Evan...  The adorable swimmer who is so kind and cute. 
Kelley did a fantastic job with this book.  There were tricky and horrific subjects with lovable characters.  I don't really want to tell you many details about this book because I want you to read it.  I'm not going to spoil it for you, so just read the book!


  1. I'm glad you liked it so much. :)
    I thought it might be your bag.

  2. Thank you so much, Aliya! This is one of my favorite reviews. I'm so glad you enjoyed HUSHED. :)
