Friday, August 12, 2011

A Blogging Delay

My computer got a virus and was under attack for several days. I lost valuable blogging time! No doubt I missed so much this week. I missed "Waiting on" Wednesday, which is the best! I missed so many reviews, too. Honestly, I probably won't go back and look everything everyone posted up. But, please, if you posted a review, or anything at all, just let me know and I'll check it out! Really, I'd be happy to!

At least I finally started a new painting. Here is the beginning of my newest creation!
It's my version of Rodel Gonzalez's Peter Pan - Mermaid Lagoon.


  1. hi im a new follower and blogger come and check me out please

  2. Why can't I see this beautiful painting? Not loading...hmm...send it to me in email. I love that you paint.
